What is cookielolz?

I remember fresh baked cookies from middle school, yea, they used to do that! Cookies have been a favorite treat for me, but rarely did I get one that satisfied my memories from long ago. Too busy with “life” to make my own, it wasn’t until a colleague from work, Norm, introduced the office to his oatmeal cookies. They were all eaten up, never once were cookies leftover. A couple of us would pester him for the recipe. Years went by of him blowing us off for the recipe; until his retirement, when he blessed me with it. It must have been something he kept in his head; we spent a month emailing “minor changes” lolz

Suffice to say, my tries did not yield the same results as he did. They were good, but not Norm’s good! A few years went by and I had a craving for cookies. Lacking the exact ingredients called for by the recipe, I used what I had and the amounts that were left. The result was a cookie that reminded me of middle school again. Made the recipe a few more times and shared them with co-workers who remembered Norm’s cookies. We all agreed they were as good if not better. Pat..Pat…Pat… that’s me patting myself on the back